The school has its own bus service for students who live in distant places. We have eighteen buses for Shantipuri, Pantnagar, Gokulnagar, Anandpur, Lalkuan and Bindukhatta.
School Library has been equipped with variety of books for children. Children can update their knowledge about the latest developments in the field of science and technology through the news papers & magazines available. Children can also draw the books to carry home.
Class Rooms
Neat clean and spacious and well furnished Classrooms providing unique atmosphere for students to concentrate in their studies. Our Classrooms are properly ventilated, well-lit and spacious. Specially designed, modern, agonomic and attractive furniture is provided in the classrooms. In order to monitor the progress and performance of students in the class rooms, Smart classes are run in the school. All classes are fitted with CCTV Camera to monitor the activities of the students.
Science Laboratories
We Have a well equipped laboratory for Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics which are running functionally in the school for students to carry out their practical work. All the Safety Measures in Practical Labs are being compiled by the school. All Labs are fully equipped to provide all practical Infrastructure up to Class XII.
NCC Air Wing was formed in the year 1984 under the group, 5 (TN) AIR SQN (TECH) NCC having its headquarters at Salem. It was formed with an aim of grooming tomorrows pilots and Air Force Officers.
Some of the words that drive us are team work, punctuality, leadership qualities, discipline, sportsmanship, physical fitness, reliability and patriotism.
Recruitment into the NCC Air Wing happens during the start of every session. The procedure is common for all the enthusiastic students willing to join. Few rounds of the recruitment will be endurance test, fitness test, group discussion and interview.
The selected cadets will be given training that includes Parade, Running, Technical Education, Arms Drill, games and many other disciplines. The training will be conducted by the PI staff with the help of senior cadets. The attitude of the cadets is well groomed so that they become well-furnished citizens.